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Python Tutorial: How to learn Python.

Python is Easy to learning. Today I will teach you how to learn python in 10 Days. This is not a tutorial this is a routine for how to learn python. Single-day by day teaches you how to learn python. But first, say time is everything. Obviously daily 4 hours work as well as possible. and you have no book how to teach python then check my site pdf book. Download it from there. I got there 10 Python free book pdf. but you are not interested in book reading then do to google and search W3 school.com you learn there. so let's start.

Day first: the first day you download python for python.org. I hope you download python. and download Visual Studio code/ Pycharm. check how to work visual studio and python. And read variable data types.

Python Tutorial: how to learn python

Second Day: 2 days you read string, list, tuples, set,  dictionary. what are string and number?  how to work a dictionary and set. tuple working.

Python Tutorial: How to lean python

Third day: Read mathematical operators and boolean operators. Read the mathematical operators and work data types. If you read data type I mean string, tuples, set, dictionary. Then read bitwise operators. work this hard but simple.

Python Tutorial: How to lean python

Fourth day: this day you read loops. python has two loops. 1 for loop, 2 while loop. this day you read just for loops and nested for looping. 

Python Tutorial: How to lean python

Fifth day: this day you read while loop. how to work while loop? nesting while loop. everything is this.

Python Tutorial: How to lean python

Sixth day: the sixth day you read method. what is the method? how it works? use all methods in data type.

Python Tutorial: How to learn Python.

Seventh-day: this day we learn built-in-funtions.go to google and search built-in function and go image, download the built-in-function image then read this work it.

Python Tutorial: How to learn Python.

Eighth day: this day we learn function. what is a function in python? how to work function? the def function,  init function, magic function.

Python Tutorial: How to learn Python.

Ninth day: this day you read Class. what is a class? how to it work? and you learn class and function both learn.

Python Tutorial: How to learn Python.

Tenth day: this day you are complete python basic. now you go to google and search the python problem-solving site and solve the problem. 

Python Tutorial: How to learn Python.
Python Tutorial: How to learn python

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